Smoke Alarms & Landlords
It is the responsibility of the landlord to ensure smoke alarms are in working order and meet the requirements of Australian Standard 3786, Building Code of Australia and NSW Residential Tenancy Act 2010.
It is law that the landlord must:
• Service smoke alarms annually.
• Ensure all smoke alarms are functioning at all times.
• Replace alarms within their 10-year expiry period.
• Replace all removable batteries in all smoke alarms annually.
• Provide a smoke alarms & batteries condition report to the real estate agency – this is required in the tenancy agreement before the tenant moves in.
• A none working alarm must be repaired within 2 business days.
If your smoke alarms are not serviced by Smoke Alarms Australia & you have not serviced your smoke alarms in the past 12 months, please contact your Property Manager to arrange a time to do so.
If you have any questions, or need clarification on any of the above, please contact Anna Marten, our Head of Property Management, on 9651 1666 or
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